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Articles from the October 12, 2023 edition

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  • Mascorro cleared in fatal shooting, but is found to have illegally broke into home

    Lara Love|Oct 12, 2023

    In his analysis and conclusion documents issued on Sept. 21, Special Prosecutor Daniel E. Erramouspe, Sweetwater County Attorney, found that Thermopolis Police Sgt. Mike Mascorro illegally broke into a suspect’s home in April, causing a fatal shootout. However, a provision for law officers in Wyoming’s self-defense law will prevent any criminal charges from being filed. The sergeant could still face civil consequences. Earlier this year, Erramouspe was appointed as Special Prosecutor to rev... Full story

  • Town snow removal procedures outlined

    Jurri Schenck|Oct 12, 2023

    On Wednesday, October 4 Mayor Adam Estenson, Director of Public Works Basil Sorensen, and Assistant the Mayor Jim Jeunehomme held a meeting with the public and business owners to discuss and brainstorm the coming winter season's snow plowing. Mayor Estenson sought comments from the public by inviting them to provide suggestions to improve things and to relay their priorities and procedures. During the discussion, one idea suggested was to create a volunteer list for those who have equipment and...

  • Chamber honors citizens at annual banquet

    Oct 12, 2023

    The Thermopolis-Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce held its 102nd Annual Chamber Banquet "Cham-boo Bash" last Saturday, October 7 at the fair building. The guest speaker for the event was Eric Kay. Two awards were given out for the 2022 Business of the Year. Dickey Animal Health was one of the winners. Dr. Dickey, his wife Sherri, and four sons – Eli, Luke, Seth and Silas – moved to Hot Springs County, Wyoming, in 2011 to take over an existing veterinary practice started by Dr. Katrin Kolder. Tha...

  • On the record

    Oct 12, 2023

    On the Record policy It is the Thermopolis Independent Record’s policy that all people arrested or cited under the “Accidents,” “Sheriff’s office” or “Police department” in the On the Record section are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. We print the names of all people upon their initial arrest. Sheriff’s Office Monday, Oct. 2 12:28 p.m. Deputies took a report of livestock invading neighboring property along Highway 20 North. Tuesday, Oct. 3 7:37 p.m. An investigation was opened for a person who caused damage to BLM pro...

  • Thermopolis welcomes our nation's finest for antelope hunt

    Oct 12, 2023

    by Nelda Currah, Hunting with Heroes Wyoming “Chief Helper” Once again, the Thermopolis community united in support of our nation’s disabled veterans to host the recent Hunting with Heroes Wyoming Annual Thermopolis Antelope Hunt. The hunt was on September 3, however, the veterans were spotted around town throughout the week and weekend taking in the beautiful local scenery and sharing community with the delightful people in Thermopolis. Hunting with Heroes Wyoming (HwH WY) welcomed twelve veterans from seven different states – Ohio, Pennsylvan...

  • History buffs presentation

    Oct 12, 2023

    The Hot Springs County Historical Society will hold “History Buffs Unite: How the Wyoming Historical Society can help your local Chapter and your Personal Projects.” The event will be presented by Aley Philp, Executive Director of the Wyoming Historical Society. It will be on Saturday, October 14 at 2 p.m. at the Historical Museum. The Wyoming Historical Society began in 1953 and is celebrating its 70th Anniversary this year. It is made up of members across not only Wyoming, but the world. The Society is open to membership to any individual int...

  • Full disclosure

    Oct 12, 2023

    by Lara Love This week’s issue includes the analysis and conclusion of the officer involved shooting that happened in Thermopolis in April of this year. The document was issued on Sept. 21 by Special Prosecutor Daniel E. Erramouspe, Sweetwater County Attorney. Erramouspe was appointed as Special Prosecutor to review the case. Erramouspe relied upon the investigation conducted by lead investigator, Special Agent Kiel Holder of the Wyoming Division of Criminal Investigation. He reviewed all documentation, reports, forensics, interviews, audio f...

  • Response to last weeks letter to the editor

    Oct 12, 2023

    The October 5th Edition of the Thermopolis Independent Record was full of useful, timely information and should there be a statewide or national award for local news reporting of newspapers of our subscription size, I would suggest the October 5th Edition be submitted for consideration. We learned that we have a recognized prodigy debate coach in Lyle Wiley teaching in our High School,meaning our community is unique in having a gifted potential advisor on all community decision making processes, and we should invite his critique and continued...

  • Living without anger

    Oct 12, 2023

    by Bryan Golden The “benefits” of anger are many. Stress, anxiety, diminished judgment, reduced productivity, poor digestion, sleeplessness, elevated blood pressure, negative impact on relationships, unhappiness, and attraction of negative situations can all be yours just by being angry. Anger repels people, destroys relationships, creates problems, intensifies problems, causes regret, burns bridges, and dissolves solutions. Anger doesn’t have to manifest itself via your behavior to be destructive. Anger that is internalized can be just as da...

  • The secret to losing weight

    Oct 12, 2023

    by Andrew Ellsworth, MD People often think they need to lose weight. The hard part, of course, is following through on that desire in a sustained and successful manner. Here are a few of the ways people do lose weight, and the secrets of their success.  Some people should not lose weight, so please talk to your doctor. First of all, consider the reasons to lose weight. Benefits can include having more energy, improved mobility, fewer aches and pains, sleeping better, improvement in mood, lower blood pressure, and lower risk of heart disease, d...

  • Robert R. James

    Oct 12, 2023

    Robert R. James, 86, passed away from Covid on October 3, 2023, in Thermopolis, Wyo. Robert (Bob) was born on November 15, 1936, to Nora (Dow) and Allan Russel James in Thermopolis. Bob grew up in and moved to Thermopolis, where he went to school and graduated high school in 1953. While in high school, Bob met the love of his life, Sharon Gossens. Shortly after graduation, Bob enlisted in the Air Force. Bob and Sharon were married on November 3, 1955. Bob was stationed in San Antonio, Texas,... Full story

  • Community breakfast

    Oct 12, 2023

    Chris Weber, Dustin Worley and Amanda Cornwell serve up biscuits and gravy and ham and eggs to the public during the Hot Springs County Sheriff's Office's 4th annual community breakfast last Saturday at the HSC Senior Citizens Center. All donations went to the Sheriff's Office K9 program....

  • Get ready for the great pumpkin hunt

    Oct 12, 2023

    Range will hold the third annual Great Pumpkin Hunt in Thermopolis on October 23-27. Be the one to find the Great Pumpkin and win the Grand Prize. Range will be hiding the Great Pumpkin (a real pumpkin decorated with the Range logo) at a location somewhere in Thermopolis. Get the daily clue by visiting their Facebook page @RangeConnected. Range Marketing Manager Linda Weeks said they are holding six different pumpkin hunts in the greater region. In Thermopolis, last year’s hunt they had prizes totaling just over $5,700. This year’s Grand Pri...

  • Bobcats fall to Eagles in tough fought battle at home

    Daniel Powell|Oct 12, 2023

    The Thermopolis Bobcats ran into a tough opponent this past Friday night at LeRoy Hayes Field. The 2-2 Lyman Eagles were in town, and had, purposefully, come to play, leaving the Cats with a 38 -12 loss, when the action was over. What began as a sunny evening, with the home team taking the field in their gray uniforms and purple helmets, soon became a rather gray affair overall as the weather became chilly, and the fortunes of the Cats became decidedly frosty. The two teams put on a defensive...

  • Lady Cats on the road this week

    Oct 12, 2023

    by Karissa Nichols With only three weeks left of the regular season, the Lady Bobcats Junior varsity and Varsity teams traveled to Powell to take on the South teams in the 3A West conference. The Lady Cats faced off against Lander and Lyman on Friday and got back on the bus Saturday morning to go to Powell to take on Mountain View and Pinedale. The Lady Cats needed to dig deep this week and play good solid volleyball with minimal errors in order to pull off some wins. The Cats weren’t able to win any matches over the two days, but they had m...

  • TMS cross country season wraps up, high school headed to conference

    Oct 12, 2023

    The Bobcat Cross County teams traveled to Powell last week to compete against seven other teams including Worland, Cody, Lander, Riverton, Burlington, Wyoming Indian and Lovell. High school results include: Varsity girls - Sadie Martinez, 23:12.22; Jayda Griffin, 23:33.71; JV Girls - Ava Dafoe, 25:55.87 Varsity Boys - Jadeth Elder, 17:47.12; Cole Keller, 18:14.54; Teancum Gevas, 19:14.54; Jesse Rodriguez, 19:23.94; Seth Needham, 19:30.82 The varsity boys team came in 6th. Middle School The Thermoplis Middle School team wrapped up their season...

  • Rec District football

    Oct 12, 2023

    Brice Garrison, left, looks for a path through to make a touchdown during the HSC Recreation District's 3-4 grade youth football game against the Rocky Mountain Grizzlies last Saturday. Thermopolis won 25-6. Their record is 5-0 going into this week's final game against Lander. Trenton Enis, right, outruns a Rocky Mountain Grizzly player and makes a touchdown during the 5-6 grade youth football game last Saturday. Their record is 4-1 and they will play their final games this weekend at the...

  • Boat looks okay

    Oct 12, 2023

    What was expected to be a fun day of fishing was damped for some fishermen last Thursday when their truck, boat and boat trailer ended up in the Bighorn River just upstream from the 8th Street Bridge. Officers were able to located the vehicle owner who was safely on the river bank. The owner stated his truck slipped out of gear as he was attempting to launch his boat into the river. The owner secured his own tow truck company to retrieve the truck, trailer and boat....

  • Thermopolis Fire Department hosts activities

    Oct 12, 2023

    The Thermopolis Volunteer Fire Department is partnering with P6 Station to present a Fire Prevention Pizza Party on Thursday, Oct. 12 from 5-7:30 p.m. You can dine in or have fire department personnel deliver to your door via a fire truck. Delivery will only be within the town limits. To order, call P6 Station at 864-3666 or dine in at 544 Park St. On Tuesday, October 17, there will be an Open House at the Fire Hall, 400 S. 14th St., from 6-8 p.m. Fun activities will be featured that will teach fire safety.... Full story

  • Sergeant Mascorro placed on administrative leave

    Oct 12, 2023

    At the Tuesday, Oct. 17 Thermopolis Town Council meeting, Police Sergeant Michael Mascorro was put on administrative leave for an undetermined amount of time. A press release issued by Mayor Adam Estenson does not explain why Mascorro was placed on administrative leave. Mayor Estenson states in the press release, “The Town and Department have fully cooperated with the Wyoming Department of Criminal investigation which released their findings earlier this month. Upon review of the facts and evidence collected by the Wyoming Department of C... Full story

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