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Articles from the October 26, 2023 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 23 of 23

  • Mascorro placed on administrative leave by town

    Oct 26, 2023

    At last Tuesday’s Thermopolis Town Council meeting, Police Sergeant Michael Mascorro was put on administrative leave for an undetermined amount of time. A press release issued after the meeting by Mayor Adam Estenson does not explain why Mascorro was placed on administrative leave. Mayor Estenson states in the press release, “The Town and Department have fully cooperated with the Wyoming Department of Criminal investigation which released their findings earlier this month. Upon review of the facts and evidence collected by the Wyoming Dep...

  • Toothy grin

    Oct 26, 2023

    Sheriff Jerimie Kraushaar gives away pumpkins for Halloween to Justine Whitt, Hadley Whitt, Ava Whitt, Brailan Whitt (with the pink teeth in) and Jayden Hanson. Several pumpkins were given out last Friday and Saturday in front of the Law Enforcement Center....

  • Weyer named to Women of Influence in education

    Oct 26, 2023

    Nichole Weyer was given the Women of Influence Award under Education by the Wyoming Business Report at Laramie County Community College in Cheyenne on October 10 for women who are making a difference in Wyoming. Several people are nominated, and the committee picks one winner from each category. Weyer’s nomination was for her volunteer service, all focusing on bettering the lives of children. This included Weyer being a foster parent in Hot Springs County. Weyer said, “Many children have lived with us over the years and have been a huge ble...

  • OEB opens at new location

    Jurri Schenck|Oct 26, 2023

    One Eyed Buffalo Brewery Company (OEB) has moved to its new location at 535 Broadway Street. Their official opening at the new location is Wednesday, October 25. Owner Jennifer Fisher described their motivation to move was due to not having enough space at their previous location, which was just across the street. Their previous location, now the Tap House, had a capacity of 59 people and another 30 outside in the back. Their new location has a capacity of about 175, which is over double. They...

  • On the record

    Oct 26, 2023

    On the Record policy It is the Thermopolis Independent Record’s policy that all people arrested or cited under the “Accidents,” “Sheriff’s office” or “Police department” in the On the Record section are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. We print the names of all people upon their initial arrest. Sheriff’s Office Monday, Oct. 16 10:55 a.m. Deputies responded to Boysen Peak Road to assist BIA with a crash that occurred on the Wind River Reservation. 6:43 p.m. Agency assist for Highway Patrol with a traffic stop. 6:5...

  • Fundraiser, craft fair planned

    Oct 26, 2023

    The annual Backpack Program Fundraiser will be held in the Thermopolis Middle School commons on November 18, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. The event will be in conjunction with the Beta Sigma Phi Holiday Craft Fair in the gym. This year the theme of the fundraiser is “Everything Christmas.” Event organizer Judy Carswell said participants can decorate anything in the style of Christmas from trees, chairs, wreaths, birdhouses, and anything they want to do. These items are for the silent auction, which is final at 3 p.m. Proceeds go to the Backpack Pro...

  • Saint Francis Church Harvest Dinner Sunday

    Oct 26, 2023

    Saint Francis Catholic Church will be hosing a Harvest Dinner on Sunday, Oct. 29 from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Dinner will include turkey, roast beef and all the trimmings. Tickets are $15 for adults, $10 for ages 11-16, $5 ages 6-10 and 5 and under eat for free. For more information or to purchase tickets, contact Connie Hart at 921-1519, Mary Hart at 921-1296 or Sandy Bills at (406) 489-2347....

  • Putt Putt for Polio

    Oct 26, 2023

    During the Rotary Club's Putt Putt for Polio fundraiser, mom Katy Dunks with her daughters Nadia and Lyoa, all from Cody, competed with their grandmother Danette Johnsey at Dairyland Miniature Golf last Saturday....

  • NNA calls proposed new postal rates 'punitive'

    Oct 26, 2023

    The proposed Jan. 21, 2024, postage increase for community newspapers is nearly four times the rate increase proposed for other users of the mail. In an announcement last Oct. 6, the United States Postal Service announced it expected a 7.3% increase for the local Within County mailing rate for newspapers. The average proposed increase for First-Class mail is 1.9%, even though the First-Class stamp rate would rise by two cents to 68 cents. The proposed increase for advertising mail is also 1.9%, though the increase within that mail class used by...

  • Let us love in deed and truth

    Oct 26, 2023

    This is a follow up to my letter to the editor that ran in the October 5 issue. Let us love in deed and truth Truth in in The Word “Censure not Censor” To ‘censor’ means to remove, block, or interfere with the communication of another. To ‘censure’, on the other hand, means “to find fault with and criticize as blameworthy.” When I wrote to “Censure in love”, my intent is not to Censor others, or prohibit their opinion, because it is judged objectionable, but to be true to the “Truth in The Word”. I ask all, to show kindness and love in wh...

  • Get your eyes checked

    Oct 26, 2023

    by Andrew Ellsworth, MD If you ever played baseball, you may have been told to “keep your eye on the ball.” When batting, a baseball player is taught to watch the ball the entire time from when it leaves the pitcher’s hand to when, hopefully, their bat smacks the ball for a hit. It may sound simple, but some pitchers can throw fast and sometimes they throw a curveball. Great hitters use their vision and spot the difference, helping them get a hit. Lose focus, and in the blink of an eye the pitch has whipped past them for a strike. Like keepi...

  • Inaugural list of price controls on U.S. medicines means hard choices for investors

    Oct 26, 2023

    by John Stanford The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services recently announced the first 10 drugs that will be subject to Medicare’s new price controls. More drugs will follow each year. Industry is grappling with the effects this change will have on new drug development -- and it’s clear that lawmakers need to enact at least one adjustment to eliminate a distortion they introduced in the development pipeline. The good news is that it’s an easy fix. In crafting the legislation, lawmakers saw the need to strike a balance between lower price...

  • LUPC sends replat request on to commissioners

    Oct 26, 2023

    At the October Hot Springs County Land Use Planning Commission (LUPC) board meeting, County Planner Bo Bowman presented the proposal for a replat of Tract 14 of the Wyoming Lasting Legacy Subdivision by applicants Troy and Breez Daniels; and Lynn & Shantel Sheehan. The applicants want to divide Tract 14, an Owl Creek Common area of 5.60 acres, into three nonresidential lots. The intent is to divide this acreage between the present-day landowners, rather than have them owned in common. The Wyoming Lasting Legacy Subdivision was recorded in...

  • School projects

    Oct 26, 2023

    Last Friday, Haddie Johnson and Lincoln Harvey prepared their crafts as part of the Risen Son Christian School's Acts of Kindness program. Students, staff and families all helped me paint rocks of kindness, sunshine cards for nursing home residents, and thank you cards for the military and their spouses. They also collected cans for a food drive....

  • News briefs from around the state of Wyoming

    Oct 26, 2023

    From Wyoming News Exchange newspapers Shooting complex task force finalizes pre-proposal survey SHERIDAN (WNE) — The State Shooting Complex Oversight Task Force completed work during its meeting Friday morning that will help it identify communities interested in being home to the complex. The task force was established by Senate File 169, which Gov. Mark Gordon signed into law March 2. The task force comprises several legislators and representatives from Wyoming Game and Fish Department, Wyoming State Parks and Cultural Resources, Wyoming T...

  • Boys bring home third from state cross country

    Oct 26, 2023

    The Bobcat Cross Country team came home from the 2A WHSAA State Championships with plenty to celebrate, include a third place finish for the boys team in a field of 12. For the Bobcat boys, Jadeth Elder led the way with a third place finish in a time of 18:01.50, just 0.30 seconds behind second place finisher Paul McNiven of Burlington. Howard McNiven of Burlington took first with a time of 17:40.40. For the Bobcats, Cole Keller crossed the finish line next in 11th place and a time of 19:13.40, followed by Teancum Gevas in 19th with a time of...

  • Lady Cats headed to Lander for 3A regional tourney

    Oct 26, 2023

    by Karissa Nichols The regular season ended on a high note for the Lady Cats as they took on the Glenrock Herders for senior night and Dazlynn Hunt, Ina King, Brooklynn Williams, Sydney Shaffer and manager Maggie Landon saw their final game on the volleyball court at home. Lady Cats beat the Herders in three games posting scores of 25-17, 28-26, 25-18. The previous night, the Cats traveled to Worland to take on the Lady Warriors. Unfortunately, they came up just short of a win but they took them to five games and made them fear the Bobcats and...

  • Bobcats finish season in hard fought game against Bulldogs

    Daniel Powell|Oct 26, 2023

    The Thermopolis Varsity football team saw their season come to an end, in a well-attended, and hard-fought game played in Lovell this past Friday night. Coming into the game, the Bobcats needed to win by a margin of greater than five, in order to see their way into the post-season. Those who are audiophiles - and of a certain age – may recall that Lovell, Wyoming is the birthplace of one Richard Kermode, the keyboardist for the 70s rock band “Malo,” whose one big hit was a song called “Suavecito.” While the game may have been “smooth” for th...

  • Joint Revenue Committee throws weight behind four property tax relief proposals

    Oct 26, 2023

    by Mary Steurer Casper Star-Tribune Via Wyoming News Exchange CASPER — As property tax bills flare across most parts of Wyoming, the Legislature is trying to find ways to turn down the heat — especially for homeowners on limited incomes. The 2023 session saw a smorgasbord of roughly 20 proposals aimed at curbing property taxes. Just three survived: a bill expanding funding for Wyoming’s property tax refund program, a resolution calling for a constitutional amendment to make residential property into its own tax class and a bill commissioning...

  • School bus safety

    Oct 26, 2023

    Hot Springs County School District #1Transportation Trainer Jim Andreen spoke to Ralph Witters Elementary first graders about school bus safety with the help of the Buster the school bus and the safety program....

  • Commissioners hold brief meeting

    Jurri Schenck|Oct 26, 2023

    At the October 17 Hot Springs County Commissioners board meeting, Barb Rice gave the Youth Alternatives update and said she has 16 total juveniles, which includes 10 males and six females, and she released two juveniles that week. The commissioners and Rice held a discussion about the Alive! at 25 program. Rice explained they do not have a trainer right now, but she said, “I really want one.” In the discussion, they talked about the importance of the program. Rice also discussed the Central Wyo...

  • Livestock judgers bring home first

    Oct 26, 2023

    Members of the Thermopolis FFA Chapter attended the 56th NILE in Billings, Mont., to compete in a large judging contest against more than 70 other teams from 5 states. The contest was a judge 4 count 4 layout. Teams from Wyoming, Montana, Washington, Oregon and North Dakota competed. The Livestock Judging Team of Rylee Agar, Taylor Agar, Tymber Eckley and Hayden Overfield won the Senior FFA division.Ava Dafoe was an alternate. There were 312 students and 72 teams competing in...

  • About people

    Oct 26, 2023

    Joe Doak and the Worland Football Officials Association have been elected by the Wyoming High School Activities Association to officiate the first-round class “4A” playoff game between Sheridan and Kelly Walsh played in Sheridan on Friday, October 27 at 6 p.m....

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