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  • Live peacefully with all

    Sep 26, 2024

    As we approach another election we must realize that this election, more than any other, there will be no winners, regardless of who is elected. You don’t have to be religious to agree with Romans 12:18, “If it is possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.” I regret I have not always lived with this verse in mind. Chuck Cooper...

  • Truth be told

    Sep 26, 2024

    “The truth will set you free.” We’ve all heard this iconic sentence, but what does it mean, really? More importantly, what exactly is the truth? That depends on whom you are asking. Because I’ve come to believe that each of us has our own truth. What is my truth, with a capital T, may not be yours, in fact it probably isn’t. I know it isn’t. To complicate matters, your truth today may differ from your truth tomorrow, as will mine because we are ever-changing, ever-evolving beings. It’s a wonder we ever come to a consensus on anything - ev...

  • Take time for self care

    Sep 19, 2024

    by Megan Barton, Cody Enterprise It seems all too often that we become caught up in the mundane tasks of daily life and find ourselves in a rut. Sure, we’re busy with work, school, chores, kids, etc., but forgetting about ourselves can prove to be the easiest form of self sabotage. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all about a routine during the week to keep myself from piling all the “boring” tasks onto the weekend. But, I do find it to be important to take time for myself and activities I enjoy. According to, forms of self-care...

  • No pride of place here

    Sep 19, 2024

    I recently read the article in the Travel and Tourism section of the paper where Jim Matthewson told the story of a man who was visiting our town to consider locating his business here. He was impressed with the Hot Springs State Park and the downtown area. Jim saw this man the next day and he informed Jim he would not be locating his business here after seeing some of the neighborhoods. He cited the reasons being “there is no pride of place here.” This mad told Jim it appeared the town had no compliance officer to protect the property values....

  • Walking for David... A sister's story

    Sep 19, 2024

    by Kelly Strampe, HSC Prevention Coalition Member Warning: This article does mention suicide. It is a personal story that emphasizes hope and healing; and seeks to reduce the stigma of talking about mental health and suicide. This Sunday, September 22 at 5 p.m. will be the 3rd Annual Suicide Prevention Awareness Walk in Thermopolis. This is a free and family event. It will be held at the Kiwanis Washakie Shelter in Hot Springs State Park. Come together as a community and enjoy food, music, and c...

  • What a Monday!

    Sep 12, 2024

    Hot Springs County residents experienced a trifecta of events on Monday that have left many stunned and in shock. A severe thunderstorm brought strong winds blasting through town that caused a major amount of damage to various vehicle and buildings. As the wind was subsiding, a lightning strike heard around the community started a wildfire southeast of Thermopolis called the West Warm Springs Fire. By far the most tragic of the events was an officer/deputy involved shooting that resulted on the death of a local man. Officials are releasing...

  • We appreciate our fire department

    Sep 12, 2024

    We have the best Fire Department around! Saturday we were bringing a stack of straw from Worland and at the Kirby area, the straw got hot and caught fire. A good samaritan from Worland called the fire department. The Sheriff’s Department and a Highway Patrolman stopped the traffic. It only took minutes to burn the truck, trailer and straw. They kept working until the fire was clear out. A neighbor even brought a tractor over to help. We want to thank all of you who helped and helped save the countryside from burning more than it did. My wife a...

  • National Suicide Prevention month

    Sep 12, 2024

    by Jennifer Cheney, HSC Community Prevention Specialist September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, a time for us to come together, raise awareness, and demonstrate that no one has to face their struggles alone. Let us use this month as an opportunity to engage in open conversations about mental health, to offer our support to those in need, and to work towards preventing suicides in our community. During this month, and throughout the year, we can create hope in our families and in our community by educating ourselves about...

  • Backpacks and back to school

    Sep 12, 2024

    by Jill Kruse, DO School is back in session so it is time for a little pop quiz. What is an item that almost every student carries? If you said backpack you are off to a great start. Do you know what it takes to be at the head of the class? Let’s find out if you are a star student or need to brush up a little on your backpack knowledge. Most students carry a backpack filled with their books at some point during their school day. Did you know a heavy back pack can cause neck, shoulder, or back pain. Those narrow straps can also compress on nerve...

  • Fire prevention

    Sep 5, 2024

    Many parts of Wyoming are on fire, but, so far, Hot Springs County is not. We hope to keep it that way and ask for your help in doing so. We can all do our part to avoid being responsible for starting a wildfire. However, lightning can still be an unexpected culprit. Wildfire season is nearly over, and officials are gradually getting a handle on some of the fires around the state while others continue to rage. As numbers begin rolling in, the damages caused are astronomical. In HSC, we are still under a stage 1 county fire ban. An explanation...

  • Thoughts on love

    Sep 5, 2024

    by Jill Pertler We all want to be loved. I think that’s a universal statement - and there aren’t too many of them anymore. But I think it’s safe to say we all seek love. When I lost the love of my life, I lost a huge chunk of love. Of course it isn’t gone, because love never dies; but it often feels gone - in many worldly ways – for now. I live it on a daily basis. So, I guess it’s pretty logical that I spend a lot of time contemplating love. What it is. How to define it. What it means. Why it’s important. Why we seek it. Why it fuels us. Why...

  • Dealing with people you don't like

    Sep 5, 2024

    by Bryan Golden Why do you have an aversion to certain people? Even if you are a saint, not everyone will be in harmony with you. There are various reasons why you may be dislike a particular person. It may be because someone dislikes you, treats you rudely, disagrees with you, takes advantage of you, is inconsiderate, has different opinions, is mean, acts unfriendly, is manipulative, is deceitful, or is malicious. Although the causes are virtually limitless, the effects are typically the same; stress and anxiety. Never waste a minute thinking...

  • Is it real or fake?

    Sep 5, 2024

    by the late Richard P. Holm, MD It is miraculous to consider how much access and exposure we have to information through our computers, phones, televisions, radios and newspapers. Unfortunately, we need to be on guard because too much of this buzz can be false information. Marketing (sales) can be good and important as it moves commerce, and I’m not saying industry doesn’t sponsor credible scientific research. However, marketing can be harmful when selling a weight-loss program that gives false hope, when peddling virility pills that are ine...

  • Classifieds have moved

    Aug 29, 2024

    The classified ads have ran on the inside back page of the Thermopolis Independent Record for several decades. In a world where it seems like everything changes, this, too, has changed. The classifieds and the business directory will now be bumped up two pages into the body of the IR. This week they appear on pages 10 and 11. This change is due in part to our loyal advertisers. Thank you! This week, we are thrilled to have several color ads. The press we print on has limited color pages available. We decided to utilize the inside back page for...

  • Arts course available to citizens 55 years and older

    Aug 29, 2024

    by Allison Wrye, WPH Activities Director Wyoming State Library, Lifetime Arts, Creative Aging and the Wyoming Pioneer Home (WPH) is pleased to announce our 2024 Program “Storytelling through Clay”. There are still a few spots left to participate in this 8-week course for individuals 55 years and older will draw inspiration from personal narratives and craft their own artistic creation. The final product will be displayed at the culminating art show. This class is offered free through a grant by Califa, Wyoming State Library and Lifetime Art...

  • When should I ask about lung cancer screening?

    Aug 29, 2024

    by Jonathan Rice, MD, PHD Lung cancer is the second most common cancer (not counting skin cancer) in both men and women, only behind prostate in men and breast in women. Although it is the second most common, it remains the leading cause of cancer death in America. Approximately 1 in 5 cancer deaths a year are attributed to lung cancer. More Americans die every year of Lung cancer than colon, prostate and breast cancer combined. Lung cancer is considered a silent killer and is often diagnosed at a late stage, when treatment options are limited...

  • School year starts

    Aug 22, 2024

    The first day of school for students enrolled in Hot Springs County School District No. 1 was Wednesday, August 21. Other area schools may have different start dates but will also be beginning soon. Although the first day of fall is not until September 22, once school starts many feel summer is over. Well, summer break is over. Time for students, teachers and other staff to fill the schools again. It is also time for the rest of us to be aware of children traveling too and from schools. Although they may be reminded to always look both ways...

  • Praise for builders of the Roundtop Trail

    Aug 22, 2024

    I just hiked to the top of Roundtop this morning. With each step, I marveled again at the amazing effort it took to build the trail. I have hiked both the old trail and the new one many times and I appreciate the new trail more each time I use it. I went back to read an article in the IR - Grand opening of new Roundtop Trail from the Saturday, May 19, 2022 issue. It is amazing that the trail was built by a 4-person team, doing all the work by hand. They moved rocks weighing up to 4 tons. When nothing else worked, they used black powder to...

  • Save the sweet corn

    Aug 22, 2024

    It was truly sad to read of the devastation the animals are causing to the Hessenthalers corn crop. They have worked very hard to bring their delicious corn to Thermopolis tables for 39 years. What a treat this has been. The animals have been a problem all along to deal with but the deer and antelope this year are devastating. I like animals but we need to ask ourselves - are deer and antelope more important than people? This problem needs to be dealt with immediately. The Game and Fish Dept. needs to help with this problem. The animals can...

  • Questions regarding use of ESSER funds

    Aug 22, 2024

    The ESSER Funds were issued to local school districts out of various COVID Relief funds. For the ESSER 3 funds, or the ARP, HSCSD#1 had to have a written plan which included public meetings to see how the community wanted to spend the funds. The primary purpose of the funds was to help open schools safely after COVID and then to help with the learning loss that occurred during closures. HSCSD#1 applied for $3.2 million. Solution Tree is a vendor who provides consultants to schools to teach them about the PLC Model. The PLC model is about a...

  • Arts course available to citizens 55 years and older

    Aug 22, 2024

    by Allison Wrye, WPH Activities Director Wyoming State Library, Lifetime Arts, Creative Aging and the Wyoming Pioneer Home (WPH) is pleased to announce our 2024 Program “Storytelling through Clay”. This 8-week course for individuals 55 years and older will draw inspiration from personal narratives and craft their own artistic creation. The final product will be displayed at the culminating art show. This class is offered free through a grant by Califa, Wyoming State Library and Lifetime Arts. We ask that attendance be a priority as each cla...

  • When the world is hot

    Aug 22, 2024

    by Slim Randles When the world is hot and my skin is fried, scratching from the constant dry, let the clouds boil up – boil up high. And then shade the earth with the darkening sky and bring the secrets and the smell of rain. The heat and the blessed rain, again. Our land is brown but blessed, stressed in the heat, the shiny heat of day. The slender green of desert rivers slides along, striving to continue, to feed its own along the banks – the banks where the dust rises. Rises, powdery clomp by clomp as we walk – walk the shady way. Ours...

  • AI-generated stories not acceptable

    Aug 15, 2024

    by Megan Barton, publisher, Cody Enterprise Everywhere we look it seems we’re at the mercy of AI. It is present in everyday life, and some might argue that it’s changed our daily routines for the better. Sure, there are certain circumstances in which AI can benefit you. It can create a new company logo or advertisements, we could dive into the robotics that help individuals regain mobility and gain newfound independence (we won’t), but there seems to be this ever hovering “cloud of doom” when discussing AI. Recently, the Cody Enterpris...

  • Be informed and know who and what you are voting for

    Aug 15, 2024

    My great-grandfather William Worth Earley came over the mountain in 1884 in a covered wagon, a wife and four kids. What a blessing for my family. I have said many times that two blessings we take for granted, No. 1 we were born in America and No. 2 we live in Wyoming and especially the Big Horn Basin. Great planning by our senators and representatives have made this State of Wyoming and Washakie County a great conservative place to live. We have a serious problem in that we are being invaded, not only by illegal immigrants, but by...

  • Critical need for blood donors

    Aug 15, 2024

    by Tori Robbins, Communications Manager for Vitalant in Wyoming We have a blood drive coming up in your community and we are looking for some extra support. Appointments are low going into this blood drive and there is currently a critical need for Type O+ and O- donors, as well as an urgent need for all other blood types. The Thermopolis Community Blood Drive is Tuesday, September 3 from 2-6 p.m. and Wednesday, September 4 from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. at Hot Springs County Senior Citizens Center, 206 Senior Ave For an appointment contact Annie at (406)...

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