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Town plans snowplowing and removal meeting

At the September 19 Thermopolis Town Council meeting, during the Public Works report, Mayor Adam Estenson announced they will have “Basil’s Snowplowing & Removal Summit” on Wednesday, October 4 at 3 p.m. at Town Hall. Mayor Estenson said they want to discuss with business owners and anyone interested in collaborating on a plan of attack to handle the winter snowfall.

Town Engineer Anthony Barnett, in his report, discussed the Buffalo Ridge Subdivision and how the Evan’s family is seeking to clean up their estate and that they wanted to know how to get moving on their property development. The proposed solution is to put in curb gutter and the street past the second lot and possibly the third lot for occupancy and phased development. Barnett added that the Evan’s were “pretty receptive” to the idea and that it might “get the ball rolling” for future development. According to Barnett, they want the house that is already there to be occupied and sell it, as it has been sitting there for 15 years. The work to be done would be in phases. The mayor and council discussed with Barnett some of the history of the property and how stormwater drainage was a significant issue in its development. The council voted and passed the approval for the Evan’s to move forward with the proposal according to the engineer’s recommendation.

Barnett also reported on the backup generator at the old airport pump station, as they are looking at various options for updating it. There is no formal proposal at this time.

Town Attorney Marshall Keller presented for the third and final reading an updated ordinance on tobacco where they are changing or updating its definition to match the State’s definition. The council voted and passed the approval of the third reading of the ordinance. The ordinance was in its final reading. It will officially become part of the town’s code on October 1 when it is published in the Independent Record.

Assistant the Mayor Jim Jeunehomme presented a fence request on 136 Warren Street that complies with all the regulations and meets the town’s standards. The council voted and passed the approval of the request.

Mayor Estenson concluded the meeting announcing plans to have a workshop in the winter where they will discuss ordinances and zoning issues.


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