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This is a wonderful town

“When one door closes another door opens, but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us.” - Alexander Graham Bell

I’ve been here in Thermopolis for the better part of nine years, I’ve been to your events photographing your kids at sports, your fundraisers, the concerts and many of the great activities for the people of Thermopolis. I’ve created your advertisements, thank you displays and worked with an amazing staff at the Thermopolis Independent Record to help design several of the special tabs we’ve created for the community to enjoy. I’ve answered your phone calls and helped you with your subscriptions.

Regretfully, I will be closing this door and opening a new one and will be heading back East to family and friends in the upcoming weeks. Thermopolis has taught me much about myself and has shown me some of the most tough and hardworking but kind, sincere and compassionate people I’ve ever met. This is a wonderful town with wonderful surrounding scenery and I will miss all of it.

I’ve been privileged to have been given the opportunity to work at the Thermopolis Independent Record for eight and a half years and learn from each and every person, past or present and I hope to take my experiences to further my future endeavors. We’ve all shared not just a professional relationship but a tight-knit friendship and have watched over one another throughout personal hardships and successes.

I’d like to think that all of these great people and great experiences will go with me on my future challenges. The memories I’ve gained here have already helped shape the person I am, so I can confidently say I’d never regret opening the door I’ve opened nine years ago when I showed up to this hidden gem of a town. It will be much harder to leave but sometimes, in order to grow, we have to challenge ourselves.


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