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Mistaken for a burglar

Funny story. Last week I took my car to the shop, and walked home. When I got to my front door I realized my house key was with my car keys, at the shop. I was locked out.

I decided to go around to the back of the house to see if I could get in. On my way past the front window I stopped and tapped on the window and peered in, just to tease my dogs sitting on the sofa just on the other side of the glass.

When I got to the back gate I discovered it was swollen by the recent moisture and was stuck. I had to beat on it and kick it to get it freed. I found the back door unlocked and went in.

Just a few minutes later my dogs started barking frantically at the back door. I opened the door and discovered two police officers on the deck! They had received a call about a possible burglary from one of my neighbors.

Sgt. Pat Cornwell and I recognized each other immediately. False alarm.

I would like to thank both Sgt. Cornwell and Officer Mark Allen for their quick response. They were very professional, and kind enough to see the humor in the situation.

I would also like to thank the neighbor who made the call. I appreciate their concern. Isn’t this why we live in Thermopolis?


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