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Speak up now about bentonite mine

Last week the Bureau of Land Management put out a newspaper article explaining that they were taking comments to help them decide if they would allow a proposed bentonite pit mine to be started. I read through all the documents associated with the mine plan, but there was no map, no way to locate the proposal. I called them on it and they finally put out a map and I think I know why they left it out at first. I was amazed to see the mine was located right along State Highway 120 into Thermopolis. Who in their right mind would locate an extensive pit mine on the main road right above a scenic tourist town?

It seems like no one has heard about this development so I am spreading the news. Hot Springs County is a tourist and retirement destination because of the natural beauty of our area. Thermopolis has a great deal invested in bill boards around the state promoting Hwy. 120 from Thermop as the most scenic route to Yellowstone. Our natural scenic beauty is our greatest asset in Hot Springs County. With the downturn of the energy sector our remaining robust industry is tourism, and the health of that industry affects every business in town.

I have built a few new homes for people who have moved here from out of town and have a few more coming up, and the one thing they all tell me is that they decided on Thermopolis because of the natural beauty surrounding the town. The beauty around us brings added prosperity to my business and every other business in town. There are plenty of closed shops in Thermopolis, we surely don’t want to see any more doors close due to lack of customers.

Hot Springs County has suffered a few missteps in the past few years. We have a number of local issues that we will deal with for a long time making me think that this time we would be wise to really think this one through and avoid making a permanent mistake that would diminish forever what we have here now. There is plenty of backroads bentonite in our area, the company just wants the convenience of hauling directly onto the highway. The profits from the mine will go to Montana while the consequences will be paid by businesses in Thermopolis.

So far everyone I have talked with about this development is dead set against it. The BLM is asking for comments to decide on the matter, Let them know your opinion on locating an extensive pit mine along the main highway into Thermopolis, email the BLM at, making sure to include “Wyo-BenPit 108T” in the subject line, or call the BLM Planning and Environmental Coordinator Holly Elliott at 307-347-5100. 

The full disclosure site for the documents pertaining to the mine are seen at

Thank you for your time.


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