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Nominations sought for Ag Citizen, Rising Star

The fifth annual Harvest Moon Ball is set for Saturday, Nov. 14 at the Hot Springs County Fair Building. Each year the ball features dancing, food and the announcement of the Ag Citizen of the Year and Rising Star awards.

Nominations for both of the awards are still open. The Ag Citizen nominee must be presently active in the agricultural industry as a farmer, rancher or agri-business person. The Rising Star nominee must be the same, although with ten or fewer years in the industry.

The Century Farm/Ranch Award will also be presented to a family that has homesteaded for more than 100 years in Hot Springs County.

Nominations will be open through Nov. 1. To nominate a community member, go to Storyteller or White Horse Country Store to pick up a nomination form. The form must then be mailed to the FFA Alumni. All necessary information is available on the form.

The guest speaker at this year’s event is Ashlee Lundvall, from Cody. Lundvall is an avid adventurer and outdoorswoman who was paralyzed in a ranching accident in 1999. Her career was born in 2013 when she was awarded Ms. Wheelchair USA, and since has traveled across the country speaking at both outdoor industry disability related events. Lundvall, a current board member of Wyoming Disabled Hunters, will speak about overcoming adversity.

Dinner will feature beef brisket, pork loin, beans, coleslaw, rolls and dessert. Music will be played by the Sundowners Band.

For more information, call Britton VanHeule at 864-6501 or 921-9044, Phil Scheel at 460-0347 or Judy Cramer at 921-1264.


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