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Commissioners handle full agenda

The Hot Springs County Commissioners discussed a variety of issues at their Sept. 1 meeting at the county annex.

Sheriff Lou Falgoust told the commissioners he would like to see the sheriff impound lot moved from its current location for security reasons. The commissioners agreed a new location with secure fencing is needed. Falgoust will provide the commissioners with cost estimates for fencing at the new location for their approval.

County assessor Shelley Deromedi presented six 2015 tax rebates to the commissioners for their approval.

Commissioners agreed to give their support of the Wyoming Association of Sheriffs and Chiefs of Police Marijuana Education and Awareness Project presented by Police Chief Steve Shay. The project is a statewide effort to inform citizens as to the harmful personal and societal effects of marijuana.

Hot Springs County Public Health Nurse Marie McDougall told the commissioners about a TANF/CPI grant the county had received in the amount of $25,500 for families in need. The grant was accepted.

A $15,000 Emergency Management Preparedness Grant from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security was accepted by the commissioners.

The commissioners spent most of their afternoon session discussing the new airport with GDA Engineers.

Save the date notices were sent out for the Hot Springs County Airport Grand Opening Celebration Nov. 7.

Draft lease requirements for placing a hanger at the new airport are available at the Hot Springs County Clerk's office. Current tenants of hangers should notify the clerk if they intend to place a hanger at the new location. If there are left over hangers, they will be offered to the public.

The next commissioner meeting is set for Tuesday, Sept. 15 at 4 p.m. at the county annex.


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