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Let us love in deed and truth

Dear Hot Springs County Community:

I am writing this letter to the editor to share what has been put on my heart by the Holy Spirit.

We are blessed to have been a part of this community since April 2005.

Yes, we do consider our selves to be new comers, but have always felt welcome. Having been adopted as “strays” with no blood family ties in Wyoming.

We have tried to be a positive addition to this wonderful Wyoming city/ town. Volunteering, lending our hands and hearts to those in need, and putting our efforts into groups, clubs and boards.

Few are the times we have not been meet with Love, kindness and compassion.

I am writing this letter with a humble heart, filled with only the best outcome, for all of our good neighbors and friends.

“Let us love not with words or lips only, but in deed and truth.” 1 John 3:18

Love and do what you will. If you are silent be silent out of love. If you speak, speak out of love.

If you censure, censure out of love. If you forbear, forbear out of love.

Put love in your heart. Nothing but good can spring from that source.

Remember that we are strongest against the evil foe when we stand strong together.

Let us not allow the evil deceiver to corrupt our hearts and turn our mind against the Power of Truth.

Faith + Family + Freedom

Sincerely, Love and Hugs

Cynthia Garbin


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