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Winter, Bartlett vie for State Representative District 28 seat

Incumbent John R. Winter (R) will face off against Kimberly Bartlett (D) in the race for the Wyoming State Representative District 28 seat. Both candidates are from Hot Springs County. District 28 covers areas in Hot Springs, Park, Big Horn and Fremont Counties.

John R. Winter

John R. Winter, a Republican, is running for re-election as the Wyoming State Representative, District 28. Winter has already served two terms in the 65th and 66th Legislative Sessions of the House of Representatives.

Born and raised in Cody, Winter now resides on Kirby Creek near Thermopolis with his wife Diane of 26 years. Winter is a graduate of the University of Wyoming with a degree in Range Management and worked for the BLM in various roles over the course of 14 years. He returned to the private sector in agriculture and was a big game outfitter in the Thorofare area of Yellowstone between Cody and Jackson Hole. He operated a business for 38 years called Two Ocean Pass Outfitting. 

Winter describes himself as a leader who has conservative values. He is an advocate for President Trump, and a supporter of pro-life issues, voter ID, and the Second Amendment. Winter also said he is “Pro-Wyoming and the Wyoming Republican Platform and supports private property rights.”

Winter is opposed to Medicaid Expansion, marijuana, and other drug use. There are other concerns he has, such as the 30x30 Plan by the Biden administration and “the overreach of the federal government trampling on our rights.”

Winter recently has been working on natural resource issues that are related to grizzly bears, wolves, and wild horses. Winter said, “There are so many issues in the legislature, and we have to vote on so many things down there. But you have to have a basis for your value system. And my value system is conservatism. That’s how I address all the other issues that are down there. From a conservative standpoint.”

Winter said that one of the efforts has been to delist the grizzly bear and that he wants to “send a message from our governor to the federal delegation that we need to re delist the grizzly bear. And so that’s been accomplished. We’re constantly dealing with predators and that sort of thing.”

Winter also wants to address issues regarding the venues at Hot Springs State Park. He said, “That’s one of the main reasons why I’m running again is because we’ve got to get our state park back in operation, and we need to put it back in good shape. There’s been 20 years of hassle over there at the park and it just keeps going downhill.”  

Winter explained that he has been on the Travel, Recreation, Wildlife, and Cultural Resources Committee and he said, “my goal is to make Hot Springs State Park a jewel for Wyoming. Because it is, and we just need to update it.”

Winter is also a member of the Agriculture, State, and Public Lands & Water Resources Committee at the state legislature and the Select Federal Natural Resources Management Committee.

Kimberly Bartlett

Kimberly Bartlett is the Democratic candidate for State House District 28. Bartlett is a moderate centrist who is running because she believes democracy cannot thrive without choice. “My grandmother was the most influential person in my life. If I ever complained and said, ‘Someone ought to do something about that,’ she would say, ‘Well, you’re someone. You do something.’ She believed as Americans, we have more than a responsibility - a duty - to be involved in our government.” For Bartlett, that duty to others includes voting, volunteering in the community and public service.

Bartlett has been a citizen lobbyist at the state level for years, both in Oklahoma, where she was raised, and here in Wyoming, where she has chosen to live. “Policies are important because they affect us all. Government is the social compact we as Americans agree to abide by. We all have different perspectives, and our elected leaders need to be able to reach across the aisle to have constructive bipartisan dialogues and evaluate potential solutions.”

Meeting with District 28’s county and city leaders, business owners and constituents to hear their concerns and ideas for making Wyoming stronger and more competitive economically has been invaluable, and she looks forward to continuing those discussions.

Bartlett’s state platform includes planks for economic diversity and increased job opportunities, education, medicaid expansion, freezing property taxes for seniors, and equality for all. She believes investments in infrastructure, amenities and increased quality of life will attract new businesses and encourage Wyoming’s young people to stay. Protecting personal freedoms and private property rights, and ensuring public lands remain in public hands are also important issues to her.

“I’m not a party loyalist. I would describe myself as a fiscal conservative and social progressive. My Christian faith informs my values, but data drives my decisions. If elected, I would work hard to represent all of District 28’s constituents with integrity.” She believes her educational background and experience will enable her to work with legislators across the political spectrum to continue to meet the challenges currently facing Wyoming and chart a fiscal path that will sustain Wyoming into the future.

Bartlett is married to John Fenton, a 4th generation Wyomingite who previously lived in Fremont County. Both are members of the Wyoming Native Plant Society and Wyoming Naturalists, who enjoy Wyoming’s endemic beauty and unique flora and fauna. They are currently building their home and small businesses, and engaging in community service through People for People and the “Grow a Little Extra” program. Bartlett is also the Vice President of the Red Dirt Master Gardeners, Secretary/ Treasurer for the Hot Springs County Democrats, and Secretary for the Wyoming Democratic Women’s Caucus.


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