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Police chief, sheriff issue joint statement on enforcement of public health orders

Thermopolis Police Chief Julie Mathews and Hot Springs County Sheriff Jerimie Kraushaar have issued a joint statement saying they will rely on ongoing education efforts and voluntary compliance in their enforcement of public health orders.

The statement reads, “The Thermopolis Police Department and the Hot Springs County Sheriff’s Office has recognized the COVID-19 pandemic as a serious threat to the community. It has been our goal to help our community members and law enforcement staff to understand the health and safety guidelines that have been recommended by the Center of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or by Public Health Orders from the Hot Springs County Health Officer. Thermopolis Police Department and the Hot Springs County Sheriff’s Office stance of enforcing the current Public Heath Orders will continue to be ongoing with education efforts and to seek voluntary compliance.”

In recent articles in the Independent Record, local business owners have expressed their concerns regarding the effect the health orders are having on their establishments and employees.

Businesses in neighboring Park County have made headlines for openly defying public health orders, specifically the order that requires bars and restaurants to close their doors at 10 p.m. daily.

Melissa Elliot, manager ofShorty’s Bar and Liquor Store, recently raised the question “Who is going to police businesses to close by 10 p.m.?”

The statement from Chief Mathews and Sheriff Kraushaar continues with, “The Thermopolis Police Department and the Hot Springs County Sheriff’s Office will set a positive example and adhere to public health orders to the best of our ability and as the situation allows. The Thermopolis Police Department and the Hot Springs County Sheriff’s Office will only take the appropriate enforcement action if necessary.”

It goes on to further remind local citizens of limited personnel numbers.

“Understand that law enforcement agencies generally have only one officer/deputy on duty at a time and is usually conducting other crime related investigations and violations of law that also affect this community.”

In the statement, the police chief and sheriff ask citizens for their voluntary compliance.

“We do encourage citizens to comply with the order as our hope is to assist in keeping our local businesses and all places of worship open and our citizens healthy.”


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