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School supply lists by grade

Ralph Witters Elementary

Kinder Boost Supply List

Please do not label supplies 

Two boxes of 16 crayons (No jumbos, please.)

One package of Expo brand dry erase markers

One box of washable fine markers

One box of watercolors

Elmer’s School Glue- 4oz. bottle

12 glue sticks

One pair of cushion-grip scissors

Two large boxes of tissue

Two containers of Clorox wipes

Velcro or slip on tennis shoes (to be left at school for P.E.)

One box of gallon Ziploc bags

One Box of sandwich Ziploc bags 

One snack per quarter to share with the class (Big bags of cereal, boxes of Goldfish crackers, graham crackers, animal crackers, etc. all seem to last the longest.)


Kindergarten Supply List

Please do not label supplies

Two boxes of 24 crayons (no jumbo crayons, please)

One Box of Washable Markers

Two Large Pack of Expo Markers

Elmer’s School Glue- 4 oz bottle

One Pack of 4 jumbo glue sticks

One Backpack (This can be labeled with your student’s name)

One large box of tissues.

Velcro or slip on tennis shoes-labeled, to be left at school for P.E. (Clean, old ones are fine - Please label with student’s name).

One package of plain #2 pencils  (Ticonderoga brand is suggested)

Computer headphones for PC (NOT EARBUDS, please) (these will follow the student through school and don’t need to be purchased every year unless broken.)

Ziploc Baggies – Boys Sandwich size; Girls Gallon Size

One Container of Clorox Wipes

First Grade Supply List

One box of crayons (16 colors)

Three packs of #2 lead pencils (Dixon Ticonderoga brand, if possible.  These are available at most stores.)

24 glue sticks

Two packs of Expo dry erase markers (at least 6, please)

Two composition notebooks

Two boxes of tissues

Two large pink erasers

Two sets of washable markers

Two sets of colored pencils

Two pairs of scissors (preferable Fiskar)

Pencil box

One box of gallon ziploc bags

One box of quart ziploc bags

One pair of tennis shoes to be left at school for P.E. (Clean, old ones are fine.)

Computer headphones (No earbuds, please.  These will not need to be replaced unless last year’s were broken.)

Three container of Lysol Wipes

Two plastic folders

2nd Grade Supply List

24 pencils

Six glue sticks

Skinny markers

Regular markers


Colored Pencils


Pencil box or case

Two Expo Marker Packages

Ziploc baggies - boys gallon ziploc, girls sandwich

Disinfectant Wipes

Six Boxes of Snacks/Cookies/Etc

Magic Eraser

Standard Ruler

Third Grade Supply List

24 Pencils (Ticonderoga is preferred, they last longer and sharpen easier)

Crayons - 24 pack

Colored Markers

Two Black Sharpies


Four Highlighters

Four packages of quality Sticky Notes

Large package of Glue Sticks

Two Boxes of Kleenex

Three Packages of Clorox Wipes

Six boxes of snacks (crackers, cookies, fruit snacks etc) 

Four Plastic Folders with pockets

Four Spiral Wide ruled Notebooks

Two Package of Chisel Tip Expo Markers 

Two Pink Pearl Erasers (Girls)

One package of pencil cap erasers (Boys)

Dixie Cups (Boys)

Ziploc Bags (Girls)

Set of headphones (no earbuds please)

One Spiral Notebook, 1 folder w/pockets & 4 #2 pencils (Science)

**Some items will be need to be replenished later in the year (Expo markers, glue sticks, snacks)

4th Grade Supply List

One Backpack

One large pencil box

One scissors

Two glue sticks

Two standard size post-it note pad

Two large erasers

One pack of 10 or more (Bic Brand size 0.7 lead) mechanical pencils

One package of lead refills (size 0.7 lead)

10 #2 pencils for the classroom

Four Pencils w/ erasers for Science

One pack of  highlighters (mutli-colored)

Two red pens

One box of colored pencils

One box of markers

Eight spiral notebooks

Eight pockets folders 

One pocket folder for Science

Three packs of Expo brand dry-erase whiteboard markers (teachers will collect and hand out as needed)

1 whiteboard eraser 

1 large box of tissues

1 container of Clorox wipes

Bag of cereal for snacks

1 set of headphones with wire for computers

1 pair of clean tennis shoes to be left at school for P.E.

Thermopolis Middle School

5th Grade Supply List

Pencils (restock as needed)


Two highlighters

Two felt tip pens (any color)


One pack large erasers

Three glue sticks

Three 1-inch binders

Pencil pouch

Expo markers (at least six, restock as needed)

Boys – one large box Kleenex

Girls – one container Clorox wipes

One pair gym shoes to be left at school (clean old pair works fine)

One pair headphones to be left at school

6th Grade Supply List

Language Arts:

One pocket folder with brads



Red pen

One packet 4x6 inch note cards


One notebook

One pocket folder

Dry Erase markers (Expo)

One-inch three ring binder with pockets


Science/Social Studies:

Two large bottles Elmer’s glue

Ruler (metric/standard)

One folder

Three-ring binder




Expo markers

Headphones (marked with student name)


Clorox wipes

Pencils (at least 20)

Red/blue pens

PE shoes/clothes

Colored pencils


Three reams of loose leaf paper

3-ring zipper pencil pouch

(If you are purchasing a Trapper Keeper, please keep the locker size in mind – 10” wide, 11” deep)

7th and 8th Grade Supply List

7th grade Math:


White Board markers


8th grade Math:


White Board markers

Notebook (keep in classroom)


7th grade Language Arts:

One-inch 3-ring binder

Package of tabbed dividers for binder

Red pen and writing utensils

8th grade Language Arts:

One-inch 3-ring binder (clear, plastic cover preferred)

Package of at least five tabbed dividers for binder

Two packages college rule loose-leaf paper

Pencils and pens

7th grade Farm to School:

One-inch 3-ring binder

Tabbed dividers for binder

Notebook paper

Pens or pencils

8th Grade Social Studies:


Blue or black pens

Colored pencils

Two-inch binder and dividers

Notebook paper


50 3x5” index cards


7th and 8th PE/Health:

Binder with notebook paper


Gym Shoes

7th and 8th Science:

Colored pencils






(All students need a student planner, either electronic or daily planner)

High School Supply List

#2 pencils

Colored pencils

Red, blue and black pens


Pocket folders

Single subject spiral notebooks

Sticky notes

College ruled loose leaf paper

Tabbed dividers

3-ring binder or zip up Trapper Keeper

Backpack – must fit into locker during the school day

Lunch bag if needed – freshmen will have on campus lunch first semester

(Additional supplies may be requested by individual teachers during the first week of school)


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