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FFA members honored

Thermopolis FFA held their annual banquet on Monday night to honor students and adults in the FFA program.

Agriscience and State FFA winners were acknowledged during the evening from both the middle school and the high school.

New officers were installed, including Ally Taylor, parliamentarian; Riley Shaffer, sentinel; Rebekah Johnson, reporter; Spencer Axtell, treasurer; Tatum Vialpando, secretary; Remington Ferree, second vice-president; Emme Norsworthy, first vice-president and Audrey Axtell, president.

Plaques were awarded to the members who have shown great leadership this year: Chase Herring, seventh grade; Morgan Slover, eighth grade; Hallie Martinez, freshman; Emme Norsworthy, sophomore; Spencer Axtell, junior and Jeffery VanAntwerp, senior.

FFA also recognizes students who maintain a high GPA in school, showing they are preparing themselves for the real world.

Recognized for a 4.0 in the middle school were Lexi Overfield, Sydney Shaffer and Dazlynn Hunt.

3.5 to 3.9 GPA in the middle school: Owen McCumber, Morgan Slover, McCoy Longwell, Hadley Johnson, Gavin Shumway, Roedy Farrell, Bowen Aldridge, Karina Lea, Amelia Roberts, Adriana Rivera, Brianna Lackey, Brooklynn Williams, Chase Herering, Elizabeth Peterson, Jayda Griffin, Joely Mounts, Kaitlin Barral, Kanyon Gerber, Kori Linton, Porter McCumber, Simon Ream, Trenton May, Tucker Lake, Will Coale, Ethan Crow and Jhett Longwell.

3.0-3.4 in middle school: Chase Moeller, Maggie Landon, Kadance Bowman, Jesse Rodriguez, Luke Arcand and Ayden Brawley.

Recognized for a 4.0 in high school were Kamry Bowman, Autumn Brawley, Jim Christensen, Will Clark, Bronwyn Dobbins, Hallie Martinez, Eli McCumber, Layne Myers, Cadence Steadman, Ally Taylor, Shelby Vincent, Eli Dickey and Jeffery VanAntwerp.

3.5 to 3.9 GPA in high school: Bubba Bowman, Garrett Titmus, Destiny Harris, Monte Love, Emme Norsworthy, Tatum Vialpando, Audrey Axtell, Eric Bleak, Barbara Jean Kissel, Chase White and Rebekah Johnson.

3.0 to 3.49 in high school: Remington Ferree, Hunter Bartholomew, Riley Shaffer, Logan Shumway and Colton Dobbins.

There are several new honorary FFA members who were recognized, including Meredith and Clay VanAntwerp, Joanna Au-France, Shannon and Lee Losier, Travis and Leigh Dobbins, Brenda Barnes and JB White.

Commitment to the program, ready to take on any activity or fundraiser and a real ambassador are the specifications for the Star Discovery award.

Becky Martinez, advisor for the middle school FFA program awarded the first ever Star Discovery award to Morgan Slover.

Britton VanHeule, advisor for the high school FFA program bestowed the Star Greenhand award for a first year member to Ally Taylor. Barb Kissel was awarded the Star Chapter Farmer.

A.M. Hartwig was the very first Ag teacher at Hot Springs County High School in 1938. In honor of his outstanding influence on the Hot Springs County High School Agriculture Education Program, those individuals who have gone above and beyond to help Thermopolis FFA members were recognized. The following individuals will be inscribed on the plaque that will hang in the agriculture classroom in the high school: Jennifer Axtell, John Gerrells, Joey Johnson, Linda McCumber, Billie Jo Norsworthy, Donna Pennoyer, Tom Ream and Todd Weber.


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