Your source for news in Hot Springs County

Dear Santa, I've been good all year . . .

Dear Santa,

I would like a bow with a handle with 2 cars and a shark. And a lot of drat guns. And some dragons in a bucket. Thank you Santa.

Love, Oliver Strenger

Dear Santa,

I want a present, a blue present. A roller skate.

Love, Able Cordingly

Dear Santa,

I would like a bike, and a color book.

From, Brogan Little

Dear Santa,

I want a book, and toys. I'm not quite 2 yet so noise toys are fun.

Thank you Santa,

CJ Erk

Dear Santa,

I want a skateborad please.


Dear Santa,

I want toys and a sprinkle sprinkle, pink sparkles.

Love Gabbie Hetzel

Santa I want:

Frozen waffle maker, barrel racer horse, show jumping horse, mobile vet clinic, brisa wind dancer, Paisley Pattern chinks, horse cruiser and some surprises.

Thank you

Love, Paisley

Dear santa,

Can I please have a new puppy for christmas? Can I please have a new kitten for christmas? Can I please have a new blue Kindle?

How is Misis santa. I hope that the elves are work hard. I Bet that Roodoff is nise all the time. I hop you have a good time. I love you Santa.

Your friend,


Dear santa

I have been very good this year. all I want for Christmas is some cole. Cloths. then finaly a shuvle. Say hi to the elvs for me.

Your friend Ryan

Dear Santa,

I have been good this year. I rilly wanted is a phone and a ipod. What are you doing at the north pole? I saw you at the hard war store. That's what I rilly want for Christmas.

Your friend


Dear Santa

Can I have this...I have been a good boy. This is wat I want a psy warfram and a cool controler. Can I pleas ehave that. How old are your elves?

Can you come to my home on Clark Street 729. I hope you have fun delivering present off to kids.

Your friend, Anthony

Dear Santa,

I have been a good this year. Santa can I please have a ps4 withh all gta games. Then can I please have Xbox! With all the gta games.

The raindeer doing. How old Rudoph. Pretty please can I have a phone for Christmas Santa. Your firend,


Dear Santa,

Am I on the nice list because you are. I have been a good boy. I would like the newwest nerf mojlis. Pleeeeees. And a ner eletrk missle loncher. Also, a nerf suit. Plees say hi to Rudolph for me.

Your frend


Dear Santa,

I have been good this year. how is Rudof and how old is he? I want a robot. Please! Please! I am dowing good. So I can do enithing. I can play games ulot. I can have a lot of fun weth Rudph.

Your friend,

Aidan F

Dear Santa,

How are The raindeer doing? I have been very good All year. I what a pink furbe. I what the kind that you feed. But I want two furbes.

OH, by a way give the carrits to the raindeers. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas in the North Pole.

your friend,

Hayden Franklin

Dear Snata,

How is Comet? For Christmas may I Please have a remote cintrle helacopter and a elechric scooter. Please tell Comet I said hello. Next year I will be better.

Your firnd,


Dear Santa,

"Can you tell elfy Chicken (our elf on the shelf) that he has been a really good hider this year." "I'm on the nice list. This Christmas I want a analog watch" "Can you tell Elfy Chicken me, Chloe, and Cruz hope Eelfy has a wonderfull Christmas and you Santa and Mrs. Clous?" "Hope you really do have a doof Christmas!"



Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year. Santa can I please have a green lite saber and a I pod tuch and a nerf gun that is a shot gun. I need the green lite saber so me and Canan can play star wars when we have sleep overs. Tell Roodoph I said hi. I hope you have a great Christmas.

Your frend

Trae Owsley

Dear Santy Claus,

I have been a good giril all year long. So can I have 5 new tablets, 1 nerf gun and two iphones Please. How old are you? What is Mrs. Claus's first name? I know why we celebrate Christmas because it is Jesus's birthday. I hope you now that Snaty.

Your friend


Leynay's daughter

Dear Santa,

I have been good this year. how are your elvs doing at the North Pole? I wont my four frunt teeth so I can eat chips and mete-balls. I want a baby carriage that rocks so I can rock my baby doll a slep and read her a storey. I want a baby that eats food and it poops it out. I hope your doing good. I am doing good. I hop evrebudey gets toys noat coal. I hope evrebodey haves stuff under their tree on Christmas Day. I hope evrebudey has a grate year.

Your friend,


Dear Santa,

I have been nice this year. For Christmas this is what I want. Cozmo the cute robot. Xbox 1. Las a hotrod car. I will play the Xbox. Drive my car. Mery Christmas.

Your friend,


Dear Snata

How is Hurmy? Is he a dentest? I want a toy Husky. I also want a wolf. Can I have elf costoom? I wish I could be an elf. Tell Rudoph I said hie. He is my favorite raindeer. Merry Christmas.

Your friend,


Dear Sant Nick,

My name is Chloee. I am from Thermopolis. What are your reindeer names. What are your elf on the shelfs name. I hord a story hbout your Peenky elf on the shelf. Ples can I have a I-Pad Ples!! If its not to much truble. Pritay ples ples. Thank you for the cande cans. Your reindeer can tack a nibl off my had. Wont cookies and milk.



Dear Saint Nick,

My name is Lane McMartin. I have one brother and five sisters. May I pleas have a jarasic lego set. Pleas may I have two.


Dear Santa,

My name is Jameson. Im from Wyoming, Thermopolis. Can I please, please have a xbox 360, please a computer labtop, my brother a tablet. Can I please have a Freddy plus, even a nerf gun.

Warm wishes,


Dear Santa,

My name is Jaxon. I live out of town. My house is a wood house. My address is 316 Norstrom rood. Thank you for bringing us pressents. I told you what I want for Christmas. I hope I remember.


Dear St. Nik,

Can I plese get some fake dano mite. My name is Kaden Scheel to.



Dear Mr. Claus,

My name is Annalyn. I am from Wyoming. I own Holly the elf. Please may I have a rock tumbler and a cencey. I have three young cousins. My cousins are Brenna, Eylan, and Zoey. I have a lot of my own ornaments. I even have my own box for ornaments. I have my own little tree. Can you make the cencey with medow the deer. Thank you.



Dear Santa,

What is the tepetcher there? What are your elfs making for Christmas? My name is Cannon. I am from Thermopolis. May I have a zombey masck. And my I also have a rock tumdiler. And my I have rock tumdiler sand and rock tumdiler rocks.



Dear Santa,

You are my best frend. You know wat I want? I want a remoat cntrold truck. Plese!! My name is James. Am I on the nade list? Can I plese have a phone. Pleeeees! I am from Thermopolice.

Your frend,


Dear Saint Nikelis,

My name is Jill Searle. I am trying to stay on the nice list. I have wanted a Cristle Fardy Boom.

I think my dog whuold like a bag of bones. Will you please get my parents coffie cups. If it is not too mutch truble pleas get thease things. Pleas biring thease things to Thermopolis WY.


Jiill Searle

Dear Santa,

My name is Alexice Kellogg. I reale want a tablit it is ok if you do not wont to give it to me. I am from Mishugin. Mishugin is a big plase.

Is my brother on the note list. Can you get me a game cold leferdead and can you get me croto bome. Are your reindeer dowing good.


Alexice Carol Kellogg

Dear Camlflosh Santa,

Please please may I have 10 x-box games please. I am from Themoplis Wyoming. My name is William. I reale want a 2,00000000 dollers.

I have 2 cats Mrs. Kitty and Meow Meow. They want there oun cat beds.

I live on Brodway street up hill. I have a elf. I call him Mexucoshell.

Nist list,


Dear Saint Nick,

My name is Alec. I am origanily from Dalis Fortworth Texas. Can I have a xbox one, and a xbox 3, a xbox 360, one wirles tablyt, wireles head phones, snow bord and Jesus. I want my family to be happy. A goldon heart.

Worm wishes,


Dear Santa,

My name is Autumn Opal Cornwell. I named my elf on the shelf Elfy. He goes everywere. Santa all I want for Christmas is my grandpa getting better. He has been having truble with his blood. It stays in his feet but when it goes up he cofs. So please may I have that. And maybe goggles. Have a merry Christmas santa.


Autumn Opal Cornwell

Dear Santa Claus,

I am from the U.S.A. Can you plese get me a box of legose! Are you ril. Do you hav the stuf to make tnt. Is rodoff ril I wud wont to nowe. Wen do you start. Can you giv me a remote car.



Dear Santa,

Thank you for giving me a stuft animll pupy. This yere I wood like a tlool baby doll seat and a yocallaly and sum baby bolls. What kind of things do you like?


Jaelyn Steadman

Dear Santa,

Thank you for my red bike. I wunt a nuw smashrbash. How do you get the rander to fly?


Dear Santa,

How or you doing misis klos? I wot a rel mikrfon. I wot a lot uv kande. Thank you for the presits last yer.

Isabella Hubele

Dear Santa,

Thank you for the monster truck. This year I want a remote control car. How will you make the toys?

Kyle Dumas

Dear Santa,

Tack you for my ant farm! Can you bring me a reel moteincintroll rase car!

How do you get all the preses down the chimney?


Dear Santa,

Thak you for my blakit and gow lashteer. Ol I wot for Christmas is my too frunt teeth. War do you pot youre sled?

Skye Griffin

Deer Santa,

Thank you for my presints. Can I have one of your elafs plees. Wher did you find randeer.

Tyler Brooks

Dear Santa,

Tank you for the car that can go on its bak tire. plees may I have a Lego baby vebsoraptr. How do you make our toy's?

Frum Ammon Wille

Dear Santa,

Thank you for the Legocityey Airplane Ambalance. This year I would like a Lego Avengere set. Where is the North poul?


Cash Peterson

Dear Santa,

thank you for my gifts last year, they where awesome. I would like a pony. And a saddle with the rains to go with it. How deep is the snow up there? And how are your elves? Have a great year! And thanks!


Ruth Ella Needham

Dear Santa,

Thank you for skate boerd. I like or red soot. I am going to give you some cookis!

Breydon Pyle

Dear Santa,

Thank you for all the pressints last yeeyr. I would rite like the noo life game. Are you allwas bisse?


Baer McPhie

Dear Santa,

What is your elvs names? I awas wolid a hat wels tract! How old are you Santa?


Rylee Simpson

Dear Santa,

thank you for all the presints last yeey. I wont a tablit and a noo bick to and a fon to. I oreded have toys to play with me at my house an sum uv them at my house.


Anna-Grace Henry

Dear Santa,

Thank you for the culufl slede. I wot an Amaerucan dol. I like your soot!



Dear Santa,

What is your elfs names. I wont is a batman toy. Thank you for the big batman last December.


Jose Ramirez

Dear Santa,

Wat wod you wot of Crismismis Santa. I wot sum clip on erring and plado, kid dop crismis. I wis you a mare crismis and a hape nu yer.


Reagan Huckfeldt

Dear Santa,

Thank you for my Paw Patrol puzzle. This year I want Paw Patrol please! I also want a play set. You re the best.!

Bobby Crow

Dear Santa,

Thank you for the prezins last year. Santa will you plees bring me sum noow eering. You are rilee nise.

Ann Allen

Dear Santa,

Thanc you four all the presins last yeyr. It is calld my a drowners this yeyr. Whoul is your rerere nams.


Clay Huble

Dear Santu,

Are you rile. thack you for hot wils. Can I have mor hot wils. Can I have hot wils cors.


Amwon rion Gevas

Dear Santa,

Thank you for a green car you are the Best. Can I have a game cald Mindcraft. How are yr ranedeer. How is roodof.


Isaac Abrams

Dear Santa,

tank yoo for the yoonucorns thet you gave me. I wood wont a paswrd grnt. How do you travl that fast?


Georgia Emmett

Dear Santa,

Thank you Santa for the przzends last yir and how are you? Are you good? How are your elfs? Are they good? Wel good biye Santa.


Zamar Bridges

Dear Santa,

My name is Katelyn. Wut do your elves clothes look like? Do you love your rane deer? Can I have a toow horse. Thank you for bring the globe. I love you Santa.


Katelyn Colson

Dear Santa,

What are your elves names? I like your elves. Please can I have cowboy boots for Christmas. I wunt a puke. I lik you? Wut is your elves lik?


Charlie Harris

Dear Santa,

Thanks for last Christmas because I like my presents. How are your elves? What color are their clothes?

For Christmas Id like a master chief shoot and poster. For my a brother a shoot and a helmet and big size for my brother. Can you bring 2 ornaments of the North Pole for me and my brother? Thank you Santa.


Tank Tobar

Dear Santa,

I hope you have had a good year. And what I want for Christmas is a new movie. What movie I want is Angry Birds. And also a toy that is angry birds.


Aiden Jacobsen

Dear Santa,

Thank four the ressints frum last yer. I don't know what I want for Christmas this year.


Clint Kimes

Dear Santa,

Can I bee on the nise list? Can I plese have a drone? I will leev you cokeis and meilk!


Bryce Potter

Dear Santa,

I have ben gud kan I be on the nise list? Can I plese have a forwelre and a bike?

I am going to leve cookes and milk.


Christian Seidel

Dear Santa,

I love you becus you rar nice. Can I pls have a Pokemon Des. I hop you drif save.


Aidan Valitine

Dear Santa,

I love you beecus last year you got me I wondid. Can I plees have a nutcracr? I hope you jriv saflafe.

I am going to see you on Frideday nite. Am I on the nise list or the note list?


Adele Fruciano

Dear Santa,

I hope thet you are dooing good. I ples wont a tv and a kittin thet folos me evre war. I hope you are safe.


Allyssa Hough

Dear Santa,

I love you Santa becus you are nis. Santa can I hav a now psLlfv? I am leving you cooces!!!!!!


Matthew Bilger

Dear Santa,

I can mabe cum to see you. May I have a geen Hulk and red Hulk? I hope you jrive safle.


Jacob Wallace

Dear Santa,

I love your randeer. will you give me a spi camre?


Jay Emmett

Dear Santa,

Em I in the gud list. Can I hav a PS$ pless. I hope you like my cukese!!!!!!!!!


Jaxon Womack

Dear Santa,

Houw are you dooing. Can I plees have a citin and a onamadik nerf musheen gun? I hope I see you and I left melk and cookies.


Mac Don McCumber

Dear Santa,

I hope Im on the hapee list. Can I plees have pockeemone cards? I hope you fliy safe!


Orion Jenks

Dear Santa,

I have ben good and I hope I am on the nice list? Can I ples have a cat and a dog? I will leve you cookes on a plate!


Matea Vargas

Dear Santa,

I hav bin vere nis! Can I ples hav Barbe ad hr sistrs. I hop you hav a saf chrip of the wrld.


Rhannon Goffne

Dear Santa,

I love the Christmas tee you gave me. Can I pleasa have a now dresoynd and hihes? I will leve you a present.


Hailey Colson

Dear Santa,

I hope Im on the nise list! Can I plese have triblris? I hop you like the meulk and cokese!


Jayden Barrett Bug

Dear Santa,

I have bin gud. I hop I am on the gud list? Can I have a ez dake uvin ples. I am levywn kukes!!


Isabella Hetzel

Dear Santa Claus,

I have been so good this year. Because I have listened to my mom, when Christmos is here may I have a baby raeindeer, like Rudolp the Red Nose Reindeer and a renote control car that charges from the remot contro and the fastest hot wheel car. I luve you.


Dear Santa clous,

I have been good this year. I helped my sister with her chores. I lisind to my parents too. Anythr thing do you hav a jetpack. I am asking because I want one. I also want a little minion and a lago set of you and another thing I would like a mind craft xbox game. Thos are all the things I would for crismus.

Frum Tannen

Dear Santa Clause,

I have been good Santa. 1 reason is that I help someone up and I said to the person how pushed him over I said do not do that agin. 1 thing I want for Christmas is a go cart. Another thing I want is a yellow lab dog and some smelly markers.

From Hayden

Dear Santa Claus,

I have been whatting for Christmas its my favoret holoday. First I whant a raindeer like Rudolph pleas. Next I a pink huver boord pleas. Last I want a rebuby pleas. That is what for Christmas.

From Joe to Santa

Dear Santa Claus,

I been so so good this years to my sisters with there chorse. The first thing I want is a hole bunch of Hotweels.

The Next thing I want is a Chihuahua so I can pet it and to tech it tricks. The last thing I want is my room to be call of duty themed. Hope you have a great year! See you soon.

Love, Kolby

Dear Sant Claws,

I've been a big help to my mom. Will I get presets? If I will I want a real puppy if you can please. Can it be a little puppy and can it be a pug please? Can I have pack of color penals so I can draw and write Chritmas card for everyboty. Can I also have some monster high dolls so I can play with my sister? I will share if she asks. If you can please get those three things! Have a great Christmas!

p.s. can the colors be the rainbow.

Love, Olivia

Dear Santa,

I have been good this year. I have gone to bed good. I was good on trips and I was good at Kelly's house. I would like a real puppy and a big real horse in my yard.

Love, Rebecca

Dear Santa Claus,

Are you planning on selling one of your raindeer? I have been so good. I have respected my sibling's. If you are planning on selling one of your raindeer may I have it?

Next, I want a hole series of star wars. Last, I want a huver bord. Here are some things I would like on my huver bord 1 red 1 five feet 1 boost 1 turn into boat. That will brighten up my Christmas.

From Max

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a yoyo. I hav been gud.

From, Tesalyn

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a stor wars lego set becus its cool.

From, Oliver

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a maxtotruc bcas it pulls 200 pounds.

From, Carter

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like A robot please. I have ben kindu gud.

From, Dominic

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like Shopkins. I have ben gud.

From, Aislyn

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a toy horse. I have ben gud.

From, Brylee

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like electric Nerf gun with wheels. So I can have a Nerf war.

From, Xander

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a little Mellissa. Because I lost mine.

From, Alayna

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a majic 8 ball. Because they are fun.

From, Karsyn

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a pokemon lunch box. Because I like Pokemon.

From, Lane

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a toy pig. Because we won the pink pig.

From, Paisley

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a robot hand because I cud betr at riting.

From, Logan

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a new fishing pole. Because I have ben gud.

From, Rilynn

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like remote control monster truk. Because I have ben gud.

From, James

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a kitchen. I have ben gud.

From, Chastidee

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a mama dog that has baies.

From, Mariana

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a remote control boat and a pet penguin.

From Jarrett

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a remote control rocket legos and a spaceship.

From, Micah

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a police car and a car for my momy.

From, Jack

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like big drt gun because they shoot wa fr!

From, Allen

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like Pokemon kords because I can trade them!

From, Levi

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like Pocemon crd because they ar cool!

From, Dallon

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like e z bac uven because they cooc.

From, Mackenzi

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like str wrs legos because they have ship.

From, Colton

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like pokemon cards.

From, Gabriel

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like vampars because they flot.

From, William

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a toy mrmad because it is fun to play.

From, Jazmine

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a gatar. Ples leve are presins at the haws.

From, Jaydyn

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a hors because I like them.

From, Julia

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a my litil pones. Why? Because I like them. I love you Santa.

From, Madison

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like Pokemon toys because they r so osim.

From, Jurni

Dear Santa,

Thank you for the pesits next yer. Can you get me a yoceyie. What do you flye in on net?

Conner Emmett

Deer Santa Claus,

This year I was awesome. I have been good because I cleaned my room.

The first think I would like is a big pink bear.

Also I would like an American Doll. The last think I want is a fake puppy.

That is all I wanted.



Dear Santa Claus,

I have been good this year. I did my chores all year.

How do you get around the world in one night? Did Rudolph the red nosed reindeer saved Christmas. Do you git a present.

The first thing I want is a violet and pink spy bag because I want to spy on my family.

The second is a baby reindeer because I could hold it, it would be cute and when it got big I would ride it to school.

The third is a xbox remote because I want to play with my brother.

Those are all the things I would like for Christmas.



Dear Santa,

I have been good this year. I played with my older sister, Brailee. We played a lot of board games.

I clipped up a lot this year by being kind, helping others and doing my work fast. I let kids play with me at recess. We usally play this game called Rocky mountain.

How cold is it in the North Pole?

First, I would like a lie detecor that just buzzes when someone lies for Christmas to tell if Brailee, Bri, Kaylee, my mom and my dad lies.

Next, I want a domino race set to see how amasing it is when it goes and to see how fast it goes.

Last, I do not want any candy. Have a great Christmas.



P.S. Brailee and I made up some games too.

Dear Santa Claus,

I have been so good this year. One reson is my dad saw my homework and now hes realy proud of me. Ive also been nice to my sister.

May I have a pet hamster please and thank you. Another thing I would like is some choclet bunnys please.

The last thing I would like is a nerf gun with tuns of bullets. Those are the things I want for Christmas. What kind of cookies do you like? See you on Christmas. Fight the grinch for me.



Dear Santa Claus,

I was wondering if you had a jet pack. If you do can I have one?

The second thing I want is a cotton candy maker.

The thind I want is a hover bored. I hope you have a good chritsmas and I was really good this year! And can I have a traplen net.



Dear Santa Claus,

I have been so good this year becus I have helped my litle sister with her chores.

The first thing I want for Christmas is a x-box remote. The next thing I want is a credit card with one hundred dollars in it.

The next thing I want is a compound bow. I hope I get all the things on this note.



Dear Santa Claus,

I have ben so good this year. I wood like Call of duty black ops wir it war for Christmas, the second thing I wood like call of duty blakk ops two.

The third thing is calll of duty black ops three because its so fun.

And I hope I get all three video games and I hope Santa and every one els has a good Christmas.

Frum Timmy two Macie


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