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Proposed discharge of material into Wind River

The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (WDEQ) has received a request from the Wyoming Department of Transportation for State certification of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Nationwide Permit #23, for discharge of dredged or fill material to the Wind River downstream of Boysen Reservoir. The project involves stabilizing an active landslide that is impacting U.S. Highway 20, associated road slopes and the Upper Wind River campground entrance. Active erosion of the right bank of the Wind River is also occurring at the project location. This segment of the Wind River is designated a Class 1 water where point source discharges are prohibited except for storm water and construction related discharges. This certification will require meeting the provisions in Chapter 1, Section 7(b) of the WDEQ Water Quality Rules and Regulations, which allows these discharges under certain circumstances.

Proposed activities include the placement of approximately 20,890 cubic yards of material to secure the toe of the landslide. The project also includes the construction of an approximate 0.2 acre floodplain bench that will be planted with native riparian and wetland vegetation. The project will result in the permanent loss of 0.063 acre of wetland. A cofferdam will be used to temporarily dewater the project area for construction.

Requests for information about the proposed water quality certification should be directed to Eric Hargett by email ( or phone (307-777-6701). Comments must be addressed to Eric Hargett, Wyoming DEQ/WQD, 200 W. 17th Street – 4TH floor, Cheyenne, WY, 82002, and be postmarked on or before 5:00 p.m. on July 30, 2020 to be considered. Phone or email comments will not be accepted. Para español, visite


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