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Main street group plans tour of downtown

Main Street Thermopolis held their annual meeting last week and elected a new slate of board directors.

Suzanne Samelson remains president of the group with help from vice president Johnny Dorman. Meri Ann Rush is treasurer and Tracy Linko is the Main Street secretary.

Others on the Board of Directors include Howie Samelson, John Dorman, Sr., and Deb Tudor. There are some vacancies available on the board and folks are encouraged to attend their next meeting on Thursday, July 25 to see what Main Street is all about.

Patrice Frey, President and Chief Executive Officer of National Main Street, will be in Thermopolis in early July as part of her extended family’s vacation in our region. The group will be touring around our Historic Downtown District on July 9.

The flowers are blooming in the beds build by the group adjacent to the flag pole, which enhances the look of downtown as well as providing some seating for parades coming up this summer.

Main Street applied for a grant recently and were awarded the monies to upgrade and enhance a dozen of the trash cans downtown.


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