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Be fascinated with the world

If you’re anything like me, for the last few weeks you’ve been going at full speed, wedging in everything you can, between shopping and concerts to family gatherings and parties with friends.

It kind of reminds me of those nights when Cookie and Cupcake decide they’re going to fly through the house at full speed at 3 a.m., sounding more like a herd of elephants than the delicate kitties they are.

It usually starts with a little boxing match at the top of the cat tree, then one of them leaps from the top level, hitting the floor with a thud, and the race is on.

I need to learn the opposite side of the kitty-coin, however, the side that says “live in the moment.”

You see, I think we all get so wrapped up in “doing” that we forget there’s a lot more to life.

When was the last time you took a nap in the sunshine? I watch Cupcake find that sweet spot on the back of the couch where the sun streams through the window, settle in and spend a couple of hours just dozing.

Cookie is fascinated with the world.

She will sit and stare out the window for an hour. She watches birds and the neighbors walk by. The deer are particularly intriguing.

Sometimes we all just need to stare out the window and watch the world go by. No worries about tomorrow, no stress, just watch the leaves fall or the cars go by.

The biggest lesson from the fur balls is love. Complete love.

The feeling of having two warm little bundles curled up in your lap, purring with happiness just because they’re close to you, is wonderful.

Lessons I’ve learned from my cats: 1. There’s a lot more to life, 2. Naps in the sunshine are a good thing, 3. Its OK to stare out the window for a while, and 4. There is no feeling in the world like uncomplicated love. Especially if it makes you purr.


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