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Sign up for wrestling club

The Thermopolis Wrestling Club is gearing up for their 2018 wrestling season under head coach, Will Farrell.

There are currently about 20 kids signed up for the year, however, there has been interest from a number of others, so that number still has a chance to grow.

Children who will be aged four during 2018 are eligible to sign up, through age 18. A copy of your wrestler’s Birth Certificate will be needed at registration as it is needed to obtain their USA Wrestling card.

Registration information may be found on the club’s Facebook page, “Thermopolis Wrestling Club,” or by getting in touch with one of the board members.

Cost for registration is $60 for the season and equipment will be checked out during parent night on Monday, Jan. 8 at 6 p.m. at the middle school. There is a $50 deposit for equipment, however, that is returned when equipment is returned at the end of the season.

While the tournament schedule for the season is not quite set, starting the end of January there will be a tournament available nearly every weekend throughout the state.

Wrestling practice will start Jan. 9 from 6 – 7:30 p.m. All wrestlers will practice on Mondays and Thursdays with Intermediate and up having additional practice on Tuesdays.

The local tournament, which is a folkstyle and freestyle tournament this year, will be held on March 17.

If anyone is interested in helping out the club, please feel free to call 307-240-4405 or email at


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