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T-Hill archery shoot this weekend

The Bighorn Bowhunters will host the first annual T-Hill Shoot July 15 and 16, on the east side of the hill at the buffalo corral. Registration will be 8-11 a.m. Saturday, with participants able to start shooting any time. There will be shotgun starts on Sunday, with registration at 8 a.m. and on targets at 9 a.m.

At 6 p.m. Saturday there will be fun shoots, including a milk jug event, a monster shoot, an armadillo shoot and a kids balloon shoot.

Josh Lynch explained an armadillo shoot involves a steel target with a small area to hit. Shooters all start at the same line and those that hit the area move on to the next round, with the distance from the target increasing each round. Some shoots have seen distances of up to 70 yards.

A milk jug competition is more of a head-to-head event, with the jugs attached to opposite ends of a pulley system. As the jugs are hit and the water in them drains, the jugs move up and down, and the winner is the first shooter to empty his or her jug.

A monster shoot involves a large bill put up on a long-distance target. Shooters can buy in for chances to hit the target bill, and whoever hits it, wins it.

Admission per day for the shoot is $20 for adults, $10 for youth (age 11-18), $5 for cubs (age 10 and under) and $40 for family. Lynch noted the family price covers immediate family; people are not allowed to pay the price and bring 15-20 people, for instance.


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