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Five coaching positions eliminated

Parents, students and boosters have been very concerned about the future status of various activities at both the middle school and high school.

A meeting last Wednesday afternoon with the entire coaching staff from both schools, activities director Brandon Deromedi and superintendent Dustin Hunt outlined cuts that will go into effect for the coming school year.

Five coaching positions have been eliminated including freshman volleyball, freshman boys and girls basketball, an assistant cheer coach and an assistant activities director.

These programs have not been eliminated nor have the coaches’ regular teaching positions, but the freshman teams will be absorbed into the JV and varsity programs with those coaches taking on the additional responsibility of coaching the freshman teams as well.

The hours will also be adjusted for the athletic trainer.

The school will no longer be paying for meals on any road trips for athletics or activities. Instead, “T” account funds will have to be used for meals if their balance allows.

In addition, overnight trips for athletics and activities are being eliminated with the exception of two. Regional and state overnight trips are not being cut and will remain paid for by the school.

Departments are allowed to travel as much as they want, however, again, the “T” account funds will have to be used for any hotel stays or meals.

For those who are unfamiliar with the “T” account, each athletic team and activity has an account separate from their general budget that holds donations or fundraising monies that those teams may use for incidental items.

“T” account funds can be used to help defray the cost of camps for students or special tournaments outside the official school year.

This will mean fundraising efforts for athletics and activities will have to increase. Athletics has the backing of the Bobcat Booster Club, however activities such as drama, music or speech are not included in the Booster Club and will have to have their own fundraising events to help defray costs.


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