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4-H shooting sports members compete

Six 4-H members competed in the 2016 Wyoming State National Rifle Association Youth Hunter Education Challenge, sponsored by the Wyoming Game and Fish and Cabela's last weekend at the Upton Gun Glub.

The students who attended were Sascha Mobbs, Hadley Johnson, John Maier, Hardy Johnson, Carson Medvigy and Destiny Harris.

Scores were as follows: Carson Medvigy – 1st Wildlife ID, 2nd Muzzleloader; Destiny Harris – 2nd Wildlife ID, 1st Hunters Education Written Exam; John Maier – 1st .22 Rifle, 1st Archery, 3rd Overall; Hardy Johnson – 2nd Archery, 2nd Shotgun, 3rd Muzzleloader, 3rd .22 Rifle, 5th Overall.

This, however, was not the first competition for students. Other students in conjuction with 4-H have been participating in a scholastic clay target program. The team's name is the Thermopolis Clay Cutters.

Team members include Regmington Ferree, Hunter Bartholomew, Jeffry Clark, Will Clark, Spencer Axtell and Audrey Axtel.

The team is coached by Coach Charlie Ferree and Assistant Coach Kari Ferree.

The Thermopolis Clay Cutters competes in trap, sporting clays and skeet at competitions.

At a competition at the Cody Prep Shoot, Remington Ferree and Hunter Bartholomew competed and placed. Remington placed 2nd in trap, 5th in skeet and 7th in sporting clays. Hunter placed 8th in trap, 8th in skeet and 13th in sporting clays.

The Eastern Montana Invitational Results are as follows: Remington Ferree – 2nd in trap 33/5, 2nd skeet 32/50 in a shootout, 3rd sporting clays 56/100; Jeffry Clark – 1st trap 35/50, 3rd skeet 30/50, 1st sporting clays 85/100.

At the Eastern Montana Memorial Shoot, the team got first place with a score of 166 in Squad Sporting Clays. In skeet, the team also got first place with a score of 180. Individual scores are as follows: Remington Ferree – 2nd trap 71/100, 1st skeet 74/100, 3rd sporting clays 70/100; Hunter Bartholomew – 5th trap 64/100, 5th skeet 69/100, 10th sporting clays 44/100; Jeffry Clark 8th trap 56/100, 5th skeet 58/100, 5th sporting clays 52/100.

The team's next shoot will be the Cody Roundup Regional on June 23.


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