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Commissioners receive update, funding request for Safe Haven

At the April 16 Hot Springs County Commissioners board meeting, the commissioners voted and passed the approval of the Revenue and Expenditures Report.

Karina Rice of the Crisis Prevention & Response Center for Washakie County and Kelli Bloedel of Safe Haven in Hot Springs County presented themselves to the board and informed them that the state is making their organizations regional and they were asking for funding from the county. The county commissioners have funded the Safe Haven program before and Safe Haven did request $6,000 for the 23-24 fiscal year. Also in their discussion were the opioid abatement funds for reallocation. Chairman Tom Ryan wanted to see where those funds and their previous contribution would be calculated. The commissioners took no action at the time of the meeting, but they will look into the matter. They also discussed the history of the services provided and how they changed hands or changed organizations and their various locations. The current location of Safe Haven is in the office building at 443 Big Horn St. 

County Assessor Daniel Webber presented two rebates, #1-24 for Merit Energy Company of $38.80 and #2-24 for Breitburn Operating L.P. of $262.33. Both rebates are from 2021. The commissioners voted and passed the approval of the rebates individually. 

The commissioners reviewed nine applications for the County Commissioners Scholarships, ranking them 1-6. The money for the scholarships does not come from the county but through the state legislature and the University of Wyoming. The commissioners filled out their ballots and the winners will be announced at the scholarship night on May 14 at 6:30 p.m. at the auditorium. It was also noted that winners of the scholarship can reapply the following year to potentially get funding, however, to this day, no student yet has taken this opportunity. The commissioners have made this statement of opportunity each year for several years.

County Attorney Jill Logan and the commissioners held a follow-up discussion regarding the Common Ground building. Logan stated there were some title issues and they are waiting for the current building’s owner to hold their board meeting to discuss or take action on transferring ownership.

In other business, the commissioners voted and passed the approval to appoint JR Ramsey and Amanda Evans to the Land Use Planning Commissioner. There is a third opening due to the resignation of Harvey Seidel. County Planner Les Culliton and LUPC are actively looking to find a new appointment. This open appointment must be a resident who lives in an unincorporated part of the county. 

The commissioners voted and passed the approval of the Auditor Engagement Letter with Carver, Florek & James CPAs; and the Landfill Extension with the Town of Thermopolis for one year. The commissioners noted that it is the town’s responsibility to manage the landfill, not the county’s. They also briefly discussed that a solution was to create a solid waste district. 

Regarding facility use applications, the commissioners voted and passed the approval of the Annex Room for the Hot Springs County Rural Water Joint Powers Board monthly meetings. Also, they voted and passed approval of the Old Airport property for the Reed wedding on May 25, 12 noon until 9 p.m. There was some discussion about insurance coverage and a $500 refundable deposit for cleaning. In their approval, they requested proof of insurance and the deposit. 

The commissioners also voted and passed the approval of the Cooperative Law Enforcement Agreement with the USDA Forest Service, Shoshone National Forest, for Patrol Services not to exceed $3,5000 for 2024, Agreement Effective Upon Execution through December 31, 2028.

The commissioners voted and passed the approval of Resolution No. 2024-06, Declaring the Hot Springs County Rural Fire District Not Be Dissolved, and the Corrective Action Plan for Hot Springs County Fire District. The HSC Fire District was previously out of compliance and was potentially going to be dissolved, which would require the district to come under the Town of Thermopolis’ governance and would be required to be placed on the ballot again to be reformed if dissolved. Chairman Tom Ryan discussed how Senator Ed Cooper assisted the situation to prevent the dissolution and that the Fire District would be in compliance and their action plan followed. 

The commissioners voted and passed the approval of the Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP) Grant Submission. This would be for the remaining portion of the paving of the Black Mountain Road Project (BMR). They also voted and passed the approval of the Revised Categorical Exclusion and Authorization to Release Request for Bids for the BMR Project. Also, the commissioners voted and passed approval to sign a Support Letter for Hot Springs State Park regarding their process in handling the Requests For Proposals to “enhance” the features of the park.

At the end of the meeting, Sheriff Jerimie Kraushaar discussed the possibility of purchasing a new county patrol vehicle. The Sheriff’s Office is now fully staffed, but they had money in their budget from the past year due to not having a hire. The commissioners took no formal action and told Sheriff Kraushaar to use his own funds, as it was already budgeted and under his discretion. 


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