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School board names new officers

New officers were chosen for the Hot Springs County School District Board of Trustees at their monthly meeting just before Christmas.

The board president for the coming year is Nichole Weyer, who will be backed up by new vice-chairman, Jennifer Axtell.

Tobi Johansen will be clerk for the year, and rounding out the officers is Joe Martinez, treasurer.

The board determined they would keep their meeting times the same, the third Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the boardroom at the administration building.

Elisa Daniels spoke to the board about the LightsOn program in the district.

LightsOn continues to be a safe, positive and effective learning environment for the students from elementary school through high school, offering a wide variety of enhanced learning activities that support their classroom work.

Daniels said they are looking into having a fire science class this summer for high school students as well as babysitting and childcare classes for both the middle school and high school.

She indicated they have eliminated the every Friday fieldtrips, but they still intend to take trips periodically.

One of the big things they’ve done this year is move all of the Ralph Witters Elementary students over to the vocational building for LightsOn. In the past, some were doing their thing at the elementary school while others were at the vocational building. Having everyone under one roof has made things run much more smoothly and efficiently.

Middle School principal, Breez Daniels, has been nominated for Principal of the Year by the district.

A video was created, which was sent in with her nomination, which included staff and student insights into the work Daniels has done as principal. Winners will be announced after the first of the year.


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