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Public restrooms subject to vandalism

There’s no doubt the public restrooms located next to Town Hall are a convenience for those who are walking the downtown area or out for a drive.

Mayor Mike Mortimore said the restrooms are something they try to keep open during the week — 7 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday — but the vandalism to them is often ridiculous. He added the restrooms are closed in the winter for that reason.

The downtown restrooms are not alone in this, as those at Candy Jack Park see their fair share, with people climbing on top of them and stopping up the toilets, to name a couple examples.

Mayor’s Assistant Fred Crosby said it is almost to the point where people might be required to check out a key for the park restrooms if they’re planning an event there, and there certainly isn’t money in the budget for continual fixes.

Other examples of vandalism have included leaving the hot water running, but perhaps the worst required using a shovel, to scrape feces off the wall.

Vandalism charges could result in fines of $750 or more, and Thermopolis Police Chief Steve Shay noted if the damage amount is high enough, felony charges could be filed.

Though cameras are not allowed in such areas, the restrooms are monitored when people can. Mortimore said he’s amazed at the number of people who use them.

With regard to a recent complaint about the public restrooms not being open during the car show, Mortimore and Crosby said it was more an oversight than anything, and Crosby further noted they really try to make sure the restrooms are open for weekend events.

In general, the people who use the restrooms appreciate them, and keep them clean, Mortimore and Crosby noted.


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