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Water rate increase passes first reading

The main item for discussion at Tuesday night's Town Council meeting was the first reading of the water rate increase ordinance. Essentially, the rate increase would raise the base rate for all water users and then increase the per thousand rate (meaning the fee for every 1,000 gallons of water used will increase as well). From the Carl Brown study, the town base rate was identified as one rate that needed to be raised. Currently, the town’s rate is well below average base rates for communities in the area. For example, the smaller community of Basin has a base rate of approximately $25 whereas Thermopolis’ current residential rate is $13.20.

Mayor Mortimore commented on the heart of the issue – the current water utility debt - several times saying, “We have to at least get in the black.” In addition to the current debt, he reminded council of expensive projects looming on the horizon including deteriorating town waterlines.

Council members discussed alternatives to the proposed plan including increasing the base rate even higher but allowing a higher minimum (e.g. 4,000 as opposed to 1,000 gallons) before per thousand fees begin; and implementing a tiered system charging heavier water users higher fees than those who use less. Mayor Mortimore noted he did not want to discourage people from watering lawns and some of the plans mentioned might have that effect.

The cemetery board and the ball fields were identified as big consumers of water for the town and the idea of using raw water for these areas to give the town water plant relief was discussed. Mayor Mortimore reminded the council that this was not a new idea and had actually been brought up for many years. The entire council agreed that this was an important issue that should be researched in more detail.

After much discussion on all sides of the water issue, council passed the first reading of the water rate increase ordinance with the agreement that more discussion and edits would be needed for following readings. Work sessions were set for August 25 to discuss more options for water rate plans and raw water usage for the cemetery board and ball fields.


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